• Become a Master Gardener

    What is a Master Gardener Extension Volunteer (MGEV)? 

    The Extension Master Gardener Program is a volunteer training program offered through county offices of the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Through this program, individuals are trained and certified in horticulture and related areas.

    These individuals, in turn, volunteer their expertise and services, under the direction Cooperative Extension staff, to help educate others through horticultural projects that benefit the community. Extension Master Gardeners bring the latest horticultural information and practices from the world of research to their communities’ landscapes and gardens.

    The concept of Master Gardener volunteer training began more than 35 years ago. Overwhelmed by requests for gardening information, Extension agents from Washington State University recruited home gardeners. In exchange for specialized training in horticulture, these gardeners made a commitment to spend time doing volunteer outreach work.

    Through the Extension Master Gardener program, thousands of people across the United States and Canada have been trained as volunteers. Similar programs exist in the UK, Australia and other countries.

    The Georgia Master Gardener Program was started in Atlanta in 1979. Extension Master Gardeners are active in many counties throughout the state.

    How do you become a Master Gardener? 

    Classes usually form either in the fall or spring. Contact the Fulton County Cooperative Extension Office at 404-613-7670 to find out when the next class will be offered. Or you can visit the county website for more information: http://extension.uga.edu/county-offices/fulton/agriculture-and-natural-resources/mastergardner.html

    Master Gardener volunteers attend training classes that cover Plant Physiology, Soil Composition and Nutrition, Vegetable Gardening, Woody Ornamentals and Trees, Pest Identification and Management, Weed Identification, and much more. After completion of the course, volunteers are required to complete 50 hours of service. Each year following, volunteers give 25 hours of service to the community.

    How do you obtain membership to North Fulton Master Gardeners? 

    A person who has completed the Master Gardener training program is eligible for membership. The annual membership fee is $20.00 and can be paid by check, cash, or by Square during the last membership meeting of the year or by contacting the Membership Contact Dana Hallberg.