Kelly Mogelgaard

Kelly has loved gardening her entire life, spending her early life in Zone 10 in Newport Beach CA and moving to Zone 7B Atlanta in 1996. She became a Master Gardener in 2016, earned her Landscape Design Certificate from Emory in 2017 and grew her design aesthetic working at Boxwoods Home and Garden. Some of her passions have been creating her own garden with over 300 unique plant species, featured in the 2022 Sip and See garden tour, co-chairing the 2023 NFMG inaugural Garden Tour, and her own landscape and garden design firm.

Kelly’s Topics

A Gardener’s Journey – As a pursuer of lifelong learning, Kelly has recently accumulated an extensive list of “Things I know now that I wish I knew when I stared gardening” as a fun endeavor with the help of many favorite gardening companions. Kelly will share these tips and tricks with you.