Sandra Shave

Sandra completed the coursework of the Master Gardener program in the spring of 2018. She is a recent transplant to Roswell, Georgia, moving from Wisconsin in 2014 after retirement to be nearer to her children and most importantly her grandchildren! Sandra grew up on a dairy farm and has been a life-long avid gardener and is excited to master the art of gardening in Georgia and to help teach others via the Gardening Lecture Series & Speakers Bureau.

Sandra’s Topics

Plant a TreeLeaf the World a Better PlaceSandra discusses the many benefits trees offer to homeowners and the communities in which they live. However, these benefits are only enjoyed when you plant the right tree in the right place.  Sandra will share with you her experience and knowledge of the most important planning tips to consider before picking your landscape trees, the best techniques for planting your tree and great trees for an urban environment. (PowerPoint presentation; 45 minutes in length)

Lawn Alternatives For a Healthier Environment – Shrink your lawn: Save money and time while enhancing biodiversity! North Fulton Master Gardener Sandra Shave explains how you can and should reduce your lawn size by making your own native habitat. Join the effort to create a country-wide Homegrown National Park and reduce your lawn size. Use low-growing natives; plant a native wildflower meadow; establish a pollinator garden; embellish those shady spots with natives or even non-native ground covers; or just convert more of your lawn to native shrubs. (PowerPoint presentation; 45 minutes in length)

Gardens of the Master GardenersSandra showcases of the gardens of four Master Gardeners, with the goal of providing gardeners with ideas and inspiration that they can bring to their own home gardens. Sandra focuses on unique plants that may be new to you. (PowerPoint presentation; 1 hour length)