Carole MacMullan, a master gardener since 2014 and a Milton resident. She taught biology for 35 years in the Pittsburgh area. In 2012 after moving to Milton, Carole completed the Master Gardener training program and joined the North Fulton Master Gardeners (NFMG) and the Milton Garden Club. Her favorite hobbies are gardening, hiking, biking, and reading. She is a volunteer for Assistance League of Atlanta and is the chair of their Links to Education scholarship program.
Carole’s Topics
Gardening In the Shade – As your trees mature, you may find more of your property is shaded and some of your plants and lawn may not be doing as well. This class will explain the different types of shade (partial, full and dry) and how to successfully work with each. We will then discuss the various types of trees, shrubs, perennials and groundcovers you should consider. (PowerPoint presentation; 45 mins)
Hosta – a Perfect Addition to your Shade Garden – Carole has a lifetime of experience with Hosta and she will tell you that no shade garden should be without a hosta. Hostas have been the mainstay of shade gardens for at least one hundred years. Even though their flowers are insignificant, the appeal is the diversity of their leaves. The leaves of hosta, thanks to hybridizers, come in a variety of sizes, colors as well as textures. Learn how to plant, care for, fertilize, and prevent eradication from hosta enemy number one – deer! (PowerPoint presentation; 45 mins)
The Fragrant Garden –Learn the secrets of creating enchanting fragrances in your garden to add a new dimension to it. This class identifies fragrant plants for each season. Learn about fragrant container plants as well as annuals, perennials, shrubs, vines, roses and trees. Fragrances attract pollinators, too. (PowerPoint presentation; 45 mins)
Fall Bulbs – Spring Flowers – Carole will discuss how to select the top performing bulbs for Georgia gardens, how to prepare the soil to guarantee the bulbs you plant will return year after year, and how to quickly and efficiently plant a bag of 25 or more bulbs. By investing your time in planting fall bulbs, you will be richly rewarded next spring and for many years to come. (PowerPoint presentation; 45 mins)
ABC’S Of Fall Gardening – There is more to Fall gardening than raking leaves! Please do not put away your gardening tools and please do not stop visiting your local gardening centers. Georgia weather gives gardeners opportunities for 4 season gardening. As the summer months fade, the transition to cooler days and more rainfall, provides the perfect time to plant trees, scrubs, perennials, bulbs and some cool weather vegetables. It is also time to change out your summer containers and replace the plants with colorful plants that will survive from Fall until Spring. We will explore how to modify containers by adding garden art to celebrate end of year holidays. Time spent in your garden during the Fall will reap benefits all year long! This class is presented by Carole MacMullan, a North Fulton Master Gardener. (PowerPoint presentation; 45 mins)
Tree Pandemics – The Changing Face Of The Eastern US Forest In this presentation, North Fulton Master Gardener Carole MacMullan will guide us to step back in time and compare the Eastern US of 1900 to the present and ever-changing forest of the 21 st century. Unfortunately, our forests over the past 100 years have been severely impacted by the introduction of plant diseases brought into the US as a result of the rapid growth of global trade. Some of these plant diseases were introduced by diseased plant materials and other by insects that hitch-hiked on international transported goods. Some of the diseases that will be discussed are: Chestnut Blight, Dutch Elm Disease, Pine Beetle Disease, Emerald Ash Borer, Hemlock Woolly adelgid and Dogwood anthracnose. (PowerPoint presentation; 45 mins)
A Walk in the Woods with Spring Flowers – Observing the Beauty of Nature (Co-Presented with Judy Peacock) – Nothing is more refreshing to the spirit than a hike through the forest on a cool spring day, breathing in the fresh air and observing the sights and sounds of the plants and animals. North Fulton Master Gardeners Carole MacMullan and Judy Peacock will tell us about a variety of spring wildflowers, when to observe their peak blooming time, their growth requirements, and share with us places we can visit locally to experience the beauty and enjoyment of wildflowers. (Powerpoint presentatioin; 1 hour)